
My name is Andrew King. I write about published ‘illness narratives’ – accounts by people who have experienced illness or trauma, and have written or spoken about their experiences in books, films, whatever.

For reviews  and links, so you can read about and find the accounts and clips most relevant to your area of interest, go to my website: Stories of Experience, Illness and Recovery.

By training and experience I am a medieval historian and also a Chartered Physiotherapist working with people who have had experienced neurological symptoms, whether from a stroke, or Multiple Sclerosis, or vestibular/ inner ear disease, or whatever.

My blog posts relate to my clinical, educational and reading experiences and interests,  but those interests are much wider than neurological illnesses, touching also on grief and loss, autism and depression, and even COVID and post-viral fatigue.

Please comment on my posts. I would be interested to hear about illness narratives by people from cultures other than Britain and the USA.

Dr Andrew King

Coventry University, Coventry, U.K.


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